Br. David tried to call a truce with the postulant.... he realizes his own defeat.... HAHA
Br. Daniel is a pro when it comes to shoveling and tossing snow.... Br. David, from the South, is still a novice in snow removal.... A moment of Fraternity!!!
Not bad, brothers!!
This is still Br. David when he was confident in is snowball fighting skills... refer to the first picture. He now knows the virtue of humility. The joy and grace of religious life is to come to know your limitations. Praise God, Br. David has come to know he is not a snowball fighter.... HAHAHA....
** Let us remember in prayer the homeless and all who may not have heat in these days of cold weather and snow. Our Lady of Mercy and St. Peter Nolasco, our Father and Founder, pray for us!!! J+M+J+PN